Youth Clubs

Have fun, meet new people and try new things.

Sheffield Futures has been running youth clubs in Sheffield for decades. Our Clubs are based on what young people have told us what they need and want. Each week, the sessions are shaped around what you want to do or discuss. We’re here for you.

Simply turn up or get in touch to see how you can benefit.

Homework Club

Earl Marshall Centre, S4 8BW


Homework Club helps young people in Year 7 and Year 8 with homework and other structured learning activities.

Come to the youth club for space to do your homework and support from our Youth Workers with this. When the work is done, we do some fun activities do such as table tennis, pool and dancing.

For more information, please contact Shaffaq (07825612702)

Tuesday Girls Group

Earl Marshall Centre, S4 8BW


The Girls Group is a space just for girls aged 11–18 to get involved in a range of activities supported by Youth Workers.

We do things like baking, dancing, and arts and crafts, as well as learning about life skills topics such as money confidence, healthy eating and how to stay safe online.

For more information, please contact Serena (07976951727)

Friday Youth Club

Star House, 43 Division Street, S1 4GE


This is for all young people aged 11–18 who want a space to get involved in activities such as arts and crafts, gaming (yes we have a console!) and discuss life and wellbeing.

Our Youth Workers provide a safe space for you to meet other young people in the city centre and have fun.

For more information, contact Serena (07976951727) or Shaffaq (07825612702)

Meet our youth workers

Shaffaq Mohammed and Serena Tomlinson.

Have you heard about our Young Advisors?

Find out more Read their blog