Careers Advice
Schools have a legal obligation to provide independent careers guidance.
Sheffield Futures supports schools to not only meet this obligation, but to go far beyond it. Our career education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) offer includes a wealth of resources and placement of a Careers Adviser in the school.
We help schools to develop and maintain exceptional careers offer, with the eight Gatsby Benchmarks at their heart. With Ofsted reports placing a greater emphasis on schools’ CEIAG offer, the Gatsby Benchmarks are now recognised by all schools.
Our Careers Advisers are qualified to at least Level 6, are registered with The Career Development Institute and DBS approved with enhanced status. Not being affiliated with any learning provider or employer means that our support is completely independent. Moreover, we provide tailored advice and guidance for each individual student.
We currently work in 14 secondary schools across Sheffield, supporting young people in Year 9 –13 with tailored careers advice and guidance.